
A Dog’s Life


The year is coming to an end, they tell me. Another one ticked off the list. Many will look back; still others will look forward. Some will tally regrets; some will make promises; some will set goals and tasks. But really, if you want to change and choose it, you will. An artificial marker denoting a new beginning will make little difference. I envy my dog. He welcomes each day with the same demeanor: he’s happy for the opportunity, he’s attentive to the moment. Provided food, water, shelter, and loving attention he worries not about the day, or the date.

Except Sunday. Sunday is hike day. He can smell it in the air and becomes another dog altogether.

Posted by Brian Miller in a la casa, Animals, at home, Fuji, X100

Sketches: Out of the Fog


It has been a while.

I thought posting here once a week would be easy. It is not. But, that is the nature of anything worth pursuing, no? If it were easy many would be doing it. The challenge pushes us; demands of us; holds us accountable.

And so I’m being pushed, and being demanded of, and being held accountable. Mostly by –  and to- myself. Not long ago I wrote about managing one’s inputs. About having higher standards for what is allowed into our lives, and how that affects our art; our living. My challenge to myself was to expose myself to better art, better literature, better movies. To separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were. I think it is working. But it has also left a hole here where I try to showcase my work.

I’ve been working. I’ve been shooting and learning and growing and challenging to work with the limits currently affecting my shooting time, my processing time, my editing time. I’ve been focused on exploring my projects more deeply and not giving in to the temptation to post.

My work hasn’t been up to par for myself lately. I haven’t been satisfied (welcome to the artist’s life, I am told)! I’m still not, but the fog is lifting a bit. And out of the fog, comes a dog.

Big Dogs, Little dogs.

Black and white dogs.

Go, dog, go!

Posted by Brian Miller in Animals, Creativity, Fuji, X100

Sketches: 6 Wheeler


17 year old Eloy, apprentice horseshoer, prepares to take 2 guest children for an ATV ride in the first snow of the season during the family Matanza in the mountains in New Mexico. Meanwhile the family dog, Buddy, eyes a place for himself.

Posted by Brian Miller in Animals, Culture, Nuevo Mexico, Sketches, Tierra Encantada