Spinning my Wheels

My wife took pity on me. She’s noticed that I’ve been struggling with creativity for a little while now and she suggested we head down to the local classic car show here in Albuquerque. “The boys will love it, we’ll get out of the house for the afternoon, and you can take pictures!” she explained. Great!!

And it was! We had a fun time, my son ordered me around: “take a picture of THAT one, Daddy!!” I complied. Often.

I have to admit I did struggle a bit with the lighting conditions (high noon in the high desert is not a time I find optimal for photography-can anyone say “sunny 16 rule”?) but now that I’ve worked through a few images I’m finding myself quite happy. So here are a few from the afternoon. I’ve made them black and white-partially because I’m trying to learn more about this medium, and partially because I thought the images presented themselves better this way. I’ve also made one HDR that I’m enjoying quite a bit. I am waiting until tomorrow to post it because I didn’t feel like it flowed with these images, so check back again.




Brian Wyndham

very pleasant rendition – B&W an excellent choice – nice blue black, nostalgia effect but suptle, you overcame the high noon sun very well indeed

Brian Miller

Thanks so much. I went with the black and white because I felt it fit the them of the old cars. Also I found some of the backgrounds to be quite distracting in color. It was quite a challenge to get shots without other spectators, which is also why I probably chose these detail shots.

For a completely different approach to a car interior check back again tomorrow.