Forget Mugshots: 10 Steps to Better Portraits EBook

The good folks at Craft & Vision have held true to their promise to release 1 quality ebook per month by releasing today yet another title by David duChemin, Forget Mugshots: 10 Steps to Better Portraits. It is available through the Craft & Vision online store for a mere $5 and readable through any of your favorite PDF e-reading devices.

In this ebook, David instructs and reminds us of the fundamentals of portrait photography; those simple yet easily overlooked basics when engaging in photographing another human being in a mindful way. Filled with beautiful portraits taken on his many travels as a world and humanitarian photographer, the book also contains sidebar “Creative Exercises” to help the reader work through the steps and come to a deeper understanding of the steps.

This book is an easy and lovely read and one that will stay on your electronic bookshelf as a solid reference and reminder of how to do portraits well for years to come. You will be reminded, among other things, to play with the light, understand the smile, relate to your subject, watch the eyes, and be mindful of your background-good stuff for all of us to remember from time to time.

While at the Craft & Vision store, why not check out their other wonderful titles including the one you can get for free:

Special Offer on PDFs
For the first five days only, if you use the promotional code MUGSHOTS4 when you checkout, you can have the PDF version of Forget Mugshots: 10 Steps to Better Portraits for only $4 OR you can use the code MUGSHOTS20 to get 20% off when you buy 5+ PDF eBooks from the Craft & Vision collection. These codes expire at 11:59pm (PST) March 17, 2012.


Jyoti Mishra

Hello Brian..
while browsing on web I cam across your blog and really found it very interesting 🙂
keep up the good work.. !!!

Brian Miller

Thanks so much. I’m glad you found something here that you like. My best, Brian